Episode 77: Metabolic Flexibility Round Table with Robert Sikes & Kim Howerton
Dec 08, 2020To watch this episode, please visit Rachel’s YouTube channel.
Listeners can find Robert Sikes at his website Keto Savage, on Instagram @ketosavage, on Facebook @TeamSavage, and You Tube @LiveSavage.
Listeners can find Kim Howerton at her website kimhowerton.com, on Facebook @theketonist, and on Instagram @theketonist.
Robert Orion Sikes is a lifetime natural, competitive bodybuilder. He formulated his own approach to contest prep nutrition leveraging keto, and earned his pro-status with bodybuilding in 2017. Robert has since dedicated his life to learning and teaching others the benefits of following a well formulated, ketogenic lifestyle. The lessons learned led to his creation of the Keto Brick, a 1,000 calorie, ketogenic performance meal.
Robert now works alongside his wife Crystal and their amazing team to continually create content and add a ton of value within this community. His mission is, and will continue to be, empowering others to believe in themselves and truly tap into their full potential by optimizing their body and mind.
Kim Howerton struggled with her relationship with food from the time she was 8. As the years went by and her health problems mounted, she felt at the mercy of her body and out of control with her weight. A dedicated seeker of pleasure, she realized that life in a body that was always in pain was no way to live; that a pleasurable life starts by living in a body that feels good.
Enter Keto – a life that has brought together her love of satisfying, delicious foods in a way that makes her actually feel good.
In this episode, Rachel, Robert and Kim dissect the concept of metabolic flexibility, today’s dietary pitfalls, metabolic IN-flexibility, food guilt, carbs on a spectrum, keto treats and more!
Top Takeaways:
- Robert’s perspective on metabolic flexibility
- Hormones and how its correlated with caloric intake
- Truth about net carbs vs. total carbs
- Whole foods vs. processed keto treats
- Benefits of strategic carbs for performance
Show Notes:
- [0:00] Welcome back to MetFlex and Chill! Rachel introduces today’s episode as a roundtable discussion all things keto, performance, metabolic flexibility with Robert Sikes @ketosavage and Kim Howerton @theketonist
- [1:00] We’re Live! Today is a roundtable discussion all things keto, lifestyle, experiences, surrounding metabolic flexibility
- [3:00] Rachel @rachelgregory.cns introduces herself to the listeners and gives a brief background of her work in the health and wellness space
- [5:00] Kim @theketonist introduces herself to the listeners and gives a brief background of her work in the health and wellness space
- [7:00] Robert @ketosavage introduces him to the listeners and gives a brief background of his work in the health and wellness space, coaching, and as a business
- [9:00] Question: What is the concept of metabolic flexibility?
- [19:00] Question: Are there any significant studies that are well conducted to illustrate how your body forgets how to use glucose for energy after you've been keto?
- [23:30] Physical attributes to incorporating carbs
- [35:30] Carb ups and is it really required for women to regulate hormones?
- [43:30] A Low-Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet Combined with 6-Weeks of Crossfit Training Improves Body Composition and Performance
- [45:00] Level of adaptation
- [46:30] Question: Robert, do you have any inclination to try to incorporate carbs, and do an experiment on yourself to see how you react?
- [49:00] Using carbs as a ‘supplement’ for performance
- [54:30] Carbs on a spectrum
- [58:00] Are you mentally flexible?
- [1:01:00] Processed treats and keto treats
- [1:03:30] Roberts perspective on being diligent and incorporating treats
- [1:08:30] Kim’s breakdown on keto ‘training wheels’
- [1:11:00] Total Carbs vs. Net Carbs: I think whether you choose to eat more carbs or less carbs, either way, you should be honest with those carbs and count total carbs
- [1:23:00] Using kids or other family members in the house as a means to eat poorly
- [1:27:30] You can find Rachel @rachelgregory.cns and her website www.metflexlife.com
- [1:28:30] You can find Kim at kimhowerton.com and on Instagram @theketonist and Robert Keto Savage on Instagram at @ketosavage and YouTube @LiveSavage
- [1:29:00] If you’re enjoying the show please share! Take a screenshot of the episode and tag Rachel @rachelgregory.cns and if you leave a review on itunes it will also help spread the word! Thanks and See you next time!
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Rachel Gregory (@rachelgregory.cns) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Author of the best-selling book, 21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge. She received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami.
Rachel helps her clients transform their lives by starting with the physical (body), realizing the power of the mental (mindset), and ultimately gaining massive confidence that bleeds into every aspect of their lives (family, relationships, work, etc.).
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