Do you track your daily food intake?
Aug 23, 2022
just kind of think about it like training, like when you go train, when you go squat for the first time, you're probably wobbling all over the place like, feeling really awkward, like really unstable. Because if you put a barbell on your back or whatever, and you like you've never squatted before you just don't have that muscle memory and that pattern in your brain, the more you do it, the easier it gets, right. I feel like that's this similar concept to tracking your food and horses.
I just in the last thing I'll say on this before I let you talk, because I'm rambling is I think that a lot of people also don't realize how much we actually eat. Like, and this is a conversation I had with one of my clients last. Yes, yes. But I had this conversation with the client last week where we are talking about, I was like, alright, like, I think that your maintenance is probably around 2200 to 2400 calories, just based off some calculations. I did her body weight and her height, all that jazz. And she was like, oh, no, like, that's way too much, right. And we haven't been losing any weight or anything on the amount of calories she's eating.
But I'm like, Alright, let's think about it for a second. There's the the foods that we're eating like the calorie density of some of the foods that we're eating like a table like nut butter, or nuts and seeds. The amount that you eat for the calories that are in that is so small that people don't really realize it. And then when you go out to a restaurant and you eat a meal, people don't realize that most restaurant meals are probably 1000 Plus calories. Like even if you're choosing a healthy choice, because that restaurant doesn't care about your macros, that restaurant doesn't care about your calories, they care about making your food taste good. So they're going to add fats, even if it's healthy fats to that food, typically, it's not that healthy about 20 of what restaurant you go to.
But you're only going to realize that so like, like going out to dinner, you're easily going to smash like 800 calories of a meal, and don't even count the wine and the alcohol and then the bytes of the dessert. Right. So I that's something that I think a lot of people underestimate how much they are actually eating for one side of things. And then there are people who underestimate or overestimate I used to, like, kind of back a few years ago, I when I went on vacation, I used to kind of get caught up on the tracking, like I was in a in a place where some people are at where it's like, it's either all or nothing. It's not like, okay, you know, there's you can have a little bit of both the best of both worlds. So like now nowadays, like when I go on occasionally for the last two years, I don't track I pay attention to unless I have a very, very specific goal. And I'm like close to that.
And endline of that goal, then, okay, yeah, that's a different scenario. But in general, I'm going, you know, on vacation, or even like Saturday night dinners, like I don't typically track those, you know, if I go out to dinner at a restaurant every every week. My main thing with tracking is for me, it helps me to focus in on some different data points that I might be focused in on for a certain period of time. So like, for example, right now I'm really paying attention to my pre my post workout nutrition, because I really want to optimize my gym performance for where I'm at right now. And so tracking and this is also something like, I don't typically track every day, I guess you could say because for me, it's like I plan my Monday out like for food and then I just eat pretty much the same thing throughout the week.
So like even though I'm technically like, have that in my tracker, I literally just copy the day over and maybe if I change some things like I'll be able to change those in there. But sometimes it's like Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday all look pretty much the same. So I'm only just like planning out Monday especially if I'm like trying out new recipe for dinner or something like that. But typically like the reason that I like to track because I like to I'm like such a data nerd and I just want to see the numbers like you know what I had like for my dessert or whatever dinner I just want to have like a record of that.
So I would say like Yeah, I do track every day but it's you can even say it's only once a week because it's like I'd put it on repeat and then like I said on Saturdays I I typically have like a bigger meal and I don't really track that going out sooner because I don't want to like stress about that I have an idea in my head and then Sunday's I typically pull back a little bit and do more like a fasting type day because I want to balance out the weekend a little bit in Sunday's i It's my rest day I don't really do much. So that's kind of what works for me, but everybody's so different.
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