Episode 162: Optimizing Muscle Growth, Hypertrophy Training vs. Metabolic Conditioning, and How To Get Toned
Apr 22, 2022Optimizing Muscle Growth, Hypertrophy Training vs. Metabolic Conditioning, and How To Get Toned
Hey there, welcome back to Netflix and chill. This is your host, Rachael Gregory, and I have a solo episode for you today. So we're gonna be diving into a topic that is near and dear to my heart. You've probably heard me talk about this before on the podcast a few times, intermittently, or on social media. Or if you're in my membership group, the flex fam, we talked about this all the time.
But it's, you know, surrounding the topic of circuit classes and group exercise classes. So orange theory, F 45. Berries, what else is there, Renegade, CrossFit, you know, all of those group fitness classes? And it's really this is actually stemming from a specific question that I got from a previous q&a. So someone said, I've been doing Orangetheory fitness for three years now. And I am not getting definition. When they say definition, meaning, you know, getting that tones look that we all want, I hate that word. But I always use it because everybody knows what it means. So I want to dive into, really, in this episode, just kind of understanding why it's important to put in the work. And you have to put in the work, right, you have to train hard, you have to make sure you're recovering, you have to pay attention to your nutrition, you have to pay attention, your stress management, all of these things.
Hey there, welcome back to Netflix and chill. This is your host, Rachael Gregory, and I have a solo episode for you today. So we're gonna be diving into a topic that is near and dear to my heart. You've probably heard me talk about this before on the podcast a few times, intermittently, or on social media. Or if you're in my membership group, the flex fam, we talked about this all the time.
But it's, you know, surrounding the topic of circuit classes and group exercise classes. So orange theory, F 45. Berries, what else is there, Renegade, CrossFit, you know, all of those group fitness classes? And it's really this is actually stemming from a specific question that I got from a previous q&a. So someone said, I've been doing Orangetheory fitness for three years now. And I am not getting definition. When they say definition, meaning, you know, getting that tones look that we all want, I hate that word. But I always use it because everybody knows what it means. So I want to dive into, really, in this episode, just kind of understanding why it's important to put in the work. And you have to put in the work, right, you have to train hard, you have to make sure you're recovering, you have to pay attention to your nutrition, you have to pay attention, your stress management, all of these things.
But there are a lot of people out there. And I did this for many years when I was doing a lot of CrossFit that are training really hard, like they're putting a lot of work in, in the gym, but they're not getting the results that they feel like they should be getting like they're doing a lot of work, but they're not really getting as much of a reward as they should. So for example, this person said, I've been doing Orangetheory fitness for three years, and I'm not getting the body composition that I feel like I should be getting after putting in so much work, right. And there's a reason for this, there's a reason why you're not getting the results you want. And when I say this, I mean, you know, you can absolutely get results with circuit style training. But it's, you know, there's going to be a point where you hit some diminishing returns, and where you can't continue to progress unless you make some adjustments. And so that's what I want to dive into today and kind of explain really, why this happens.
Why, like what the different training categories are, which I'll dive into, there's three main training categories and you have to make sure that you are training really within these different the three different ones but prioritizing one if your main goal is to change your body composition look defined, lean, toned, whatever you want to call it. So that's we're going to dive into today. And that was a pretty long intro.
So I do want to just give a shout out to my membership group my coat my group coaching membership, the flex fam, if you're not familiar with the flex fam, you can go to the Flex fam.com to learn all about it. It is for women only sorry, guys. But we will be opening up for enrollment in the near future. I'm not exactly sure what the date is. But if you want to learn more about it, definitely check that out. Go to the Flex fam.com Don't go to flex fam.com That's not my website. It's the Flex fam.com It's my group coaching membership and it is amazing. And there's so many things that we do in it.
I don't want to ramble on about it right now. But definitely check out the website it lists out you know what it involves the nutrition, the training, the Zoom calls all of that jazz. So definitely check it out if you're interested. I will add a link in the description the Flex fam.com Not Flex fam.com And yeah, let's get into this episode. With me, Rachel Gregory. Usually I say let's get into this episode with the guests that I have on but today's not a guest episode so it's me you're stuck with me. Let's do it alright, so like I mentioned in the intro, I've been talking about this a lot recently, I would say definitely on social media, definitely.
In the membership group, and the biggest thing is, you know, if you want to get definition, if you want to be if you want to look to find you want to look toned, you need to make sure that you're sending the right signal, or you can also think of this as the the right stimulus to your body with your training sessions. Okay, so that's the first thing and this is the part that a lot of people tend to be missing out on when it comes to those workout classes that I was that I was talking about. So orange theory at 45, Barry's CrossFit, all of the circuits out classes right And like I said, I was guilty of this for many, many years. Back when I did a lot of CrossFit training, and I wasn't getting the body composition results that I thought I should have been getting, based off of the amount of work that I was doing the amount of training that I was doing, the amount of days per week, I was training, you know, all of that.
So if you're only doing these types of classes that have a lot of circuit style training, like I mentioned, and maybe involve, you know, cardio in combination with short rest periods, and things like that, it might not be the best option if your primary goal is to build muscle. And I say that because getting that tone, and you've heard me say this before, hopefully, getting that toned or defined physique, that lean physique, that is going to be a result of having enough muscle mass, right. So that means that if you're looking to change your body composition, right, you're looking to get defined, you must focus on building muscle. And obviously, pay attention to your diet and your nutrition. But we're not going to talk about the nutrition side of things.
Today, we're going to talk about the training side of things. So if your goal is to change body composition in a way that's favorable for looking lean, defined, toned, whatever, you should have the primary goal of building muscle like that should be your primary goal, right. So just going to a workout class, or just going to the gym and working hard sweating a lot, it doesn't always mean that you're going to be sending the right signal to achieve the goals that you're after right to achieve that muscle growth, which will lead to that toned physique, right? So there's different signals or stimuli as people call them that you send to your body, when it comes to training.
And we can, you know, generally divide them into three main categories, cat, three main categories, which is what what I'm going to go over today, mainly in this episode, so that you can understand them, and why, you know, they're important to pay attention to because if you can't understand them, if you don't know why you're doing what you're doing, then you're kind of just going in blind, and you don't need to know like the specific, you know, really sciency stuff, that that's not what I'm saying. And that's not what I'm going to explain today. But you should have an understanding of it right, you should have an understanding of, you know, how you can best achieve your goal, right?
How you can work to optimize what you're doing, so that you can get to your goal as efficiently and effectively as possible. So, before explaining, I need to before explain anything, I'm going to take a sip of water. So sorry, before explaining these categories, it's important to understand that they can and they do overlap, because you know, they're essentially on a continuum or an or a spectrum, you can think of it and I really, you know, I talked about this a lot with with anything that involves training and nutrition. There are no black and whites, right? There's no. Yes, I mean, I guess there are a few black and whites and yes and knows. But typically, when it comes to training and nutrition, things are on a spectrum, right?
So whenever I'm describing somebody like this, I like to use a light switch analogy as an example. And you've probably heard me talk, like use this before and in other aspects. But think of a light switch, right, that's either on or off compared to a dimmer switch. So when we're talking about subjects like this, that are on a continuum, that's our dimmer switch, it's not on or off, or one or the other. It's a dimmer switch that can go up and down with multiple brightness points, Iguess you could say. And so when it comes to nutrition exercise, like I just mentioned, a lot of things are on a continuum. They have gray areas, right? Nothing is black or white, like I just mentioned, there are no on or off switches. And it's you know, it's really understanding that right? Because it's not yes or no, it's not on or off. It's not black or white. I'm using a lot of color and light analogies here.
But hopefully this this helps make sense, right? So you know, there's going to be times where things overlap. And that's, that's normal, but understanding the different categories like we're going to talk about today, and how they are on a continuum and the ones that you want to spend more the area of that continuum that you should spend more time in, based off of your specific goal is important to understand, right? So each category refers to the primary goal or adaptation that comes along with training in that area of the continuum or up the spectrum. So the first category that we're going to go over is the strength or the neurological category.
They are not exactly the same thing. But we're just going to kind of group them into one category, and I'll explain that in a second. So in this part of the Trent training continuum, the focus is primarily on creating adaptations of your nervous system. That's where that neurological side of things comes in. Right? You're creating a stimulus that will improve your ability to contract more Muscle fibers or improve your neurological efficiency. So with the primary goal of strength or neurological work, it's going to be to continue to get better at the skill of lifting weights, right. So within a strength specific phase or in a strength, like if you're based more on the that side of the continuum, the goal with that is to continue to get better at the skill of lifting weights. So strength is a skill.
Training in lower rep ranges, for example, with heavier loads, is going to lead to more neurological adaptations and allow you to further enhance that skill of lifting weights, which in turn, will lead you to get stronger, right, so our nervous system, and you can think about it this way, our nervous system, you know, it wants to do things very efficiently. It doesn't want to waste energy, just like our bodies are very smart. It doesn't want to he wants to be as efficient as possible, right. And our nervous system is obviously part of that. So the more we perform a specific task, say, you know, the more we squat, the more we deadlift, the more we benchpress, right, those specific movements, within our exercise programs, the more efficient our nervous system becomes at performing that specific task, right, that just makes sense, the more you do something, the better you're going to get at it, the better, you know, skills, you're going to build within that.
And this is going to lead to what we call positive neurological adaptations. So the again, the more efficient your nervous system is, and the more accustom you are to lifting heavier loads, the more muscle fibers, you can actually recruit, to maximize your, you know, overall muscle building potential. And that's going to, you know, allow you to have a greater ability to continue to change your body composition, right, because like I said, if you're looking to change your body composition, you want your main goal should be to build muscle, right? from a training perspective.
So you know, even if you don't necessarily care about getting stronger, because, you know, we're talking about that the strength category, even if you don't care about getting stronger, and you just want to, you know, have big muscles, or, I don't know, even if your your main goal is endurance training, it's you, it's still important to train at least a little bit in in this category or in this phase of strength, right. So, if you have gain if you have goals, sorry, if you have goals of gaining more muscle, which again, is where that toner defined look comes from improving your strength and neurological efficiency is important because it will carry over to more productive hypertrophy training, hypertrophy training, it just means training specifically to increase muscle size. So if you hear me ever say, I prefer training, it just means training specifically to build muscle.
So spending some time in a strength phase or incorporating lower rep ranges in your in your training is going to be important because that will carry over to allow you to have more productive hypertrophy sessions in the future, or hypertrophy specific sessions in the future. So typically, strength or neurological phases will focus on like I mentioned before, heavy loads, and the lower rep schemes. So around the you know, I would say, three to six rep range. That's like, typically where most of the work is done in a strength phase. Obviously, you can go as low as one like one rep maxes, things like that. But typically, between that three to six reps is that's where that kind of strength and neurological gains are going to be maximized, so to speak. And with that, there's also going to be longer rest periods, right? longer rest periods between sets, so that you can actually lift those heavier loads, right. That means that should hopefully make sense. If you need to lift heavier, you need to rest a little bit more in order to basically allow your body to come back to baseline before you go and lift for the next set. So that you can lift as heavy as possible.
So another thing to think about as you don't just want to train in this type of phase, you're around. And this is important to understand, especially if your goal is to change your body composition, build Moss, build Moss, build muscle, right, because even though you can still build muscle with low rep ranges, and that is, you know, that's been proven in the research, you can definitely still build muscle in the three to six rep range, it's probably a it's probably less efficient overall, because you're likely not able to get an ideal amount of what we call effective reps. I chatted about this a little bit in an episode A while back, but you know with effective reps are basically the last few reps before failure that are most stimulative to muscle growth and that is our main goal, right?
So, you know, when you're doing really low reps and heavy loads all the time, it's it's harder to get in Now for effective reps to actually, you know, stimulate as much muscle growth as possible. And it's, you know, it's typically because it's easier to get more effective reps when the load you're lifting is a bit more moderate, rather than super heavy, because you'll be able to get more time under tension, right, so you've probably heard about that before time on time and intention, mind muscle connection, timer, significant tension, not exactly the same thing. But you know, when we're training in super low rep ranges with super heavy loads, it's just harder to get that that tension built up, right, especially for the specific muscles that you're training. So it's important to kind of understand, you know, like I said, you can definitely build muscle in the lower rep range, and with heavier loads, but it's not going to be the most efficient way to do it.
So hopefully, that makes sense. In terms of the neurological and strength category, there are a lot of other things I could dive into. But I want to keep this, you know, not a three hour long conversation with myself. Hopefully, you all are listening and intrigued by this. I know I am. But I am still having a conversation with my microphone right now.
So anyway, let's get on to the next category, which is the hypertrophy or the muscle building category. So again, I'm going to repeat this probably 10 more times. And I've already said it 10 times, if your goal is to change your body composition, which is a direct reflection of how much muscle you have built, the hypertrophy category, or the muscle building category is where most of your time should be spent. That just makes sense, right?
If you have a specific goal, and that goal is going to occur, because you're doing a specific thing, then you have to spend the most time doing that specific thing. It's the law of specificity, right? If your goal is to run a marathon and increase your you know, your ability to do that as fast as possible, then you should probably go out and run some some miles. Right? That just makes sense, right? Your body is going to become efficient at Well, that's a whole other story. But basically, if you want to create a specific adaptation, you have to do the thing that will create that up to adaptation. And focus on that, right. So the main goal of hypertrophy training is to add size to your muscle cells, as well as increase the number of muscle cells, right.
And this is going to occur by sending the stimulus to your muscles to grow the right stimulus, the right signal. So increasing the size. And the number of muscle cells happens predominantly through what we call mechanical tension. I mentioned this a little bit a few minutes ago, and the lat the end of the last category that describes so mechanical tension, you can think of this as kind of the pooling or the tension that occurs on your muscle fibers as they're working through a set, right, you feel that pulling of the muscle fibers, as you create more and more tension, you're building up tension as the set goes on.
And that's what I was mentioning before, why it's a little bit harder to get to those effective reps with really low rep and heavy load, because you're not creating a long time under that tension, right time under tension, mechanical tension, that's our main driver of muscle growth. So typically, hypertrophy phases will focus on moderate rep ranges. So anywhere from I would say like the five to six ish to like the 15 rep range, you know, even higher than that, you know, past the 15 rep range is getting more into into our third category, which is, which we'll talk about in a second. But with hypertrophy, focused training, anywhere from like the six to 15 rep range is, is considered that category. And then it'll be a little bit more moderate rest periods. And these will vary depending on the specific style of training you're doing.
So anywhere from like 30 seconds to even like three to four minutes. Again, that is specific to the the training that you're doing and the type of training program that you're following. And then moderate to heavy ish loads. So this is obviously going to be relative to the person write the load that you're lifting. You know, when I say load, I'm referring to the amount of weight that you're lifting, that's going to be relative to you, and how, you know, strong you are, right, how, how much muscle you have that's going to be relative to that. So basically, you know, hypertrophy, tres, tres. Basically, in a hypertrophy phase, we're mainly looking to create a stimulus that is favorable favorable to getting a high degree of tension within the specific muscle you're training that is the main goal of that of this category.
So, like I mentioned, this is often referred to as time under tension or time under significant tension, which is going to lead to that mechanical tension, which is the main driver of building more muscle so more so bigger muscles, bigger muscle Will cells sizes and also just more muscle, sorry, more number of muscle cells, right, because those two things combined are what give us big muscles, the adding size your muscle cells as well as increasing the number of muscle cells. So hopefully that makes sense for the hypertrophy category. And then the third category is the metabolic or conditioning category. So in this type of training, the primary signal or stimulus that you're getting is to your cardiovascular system. So when we're talking about circuit style training, this is where a lot of people spend a lot of time. And like I mentioned, before, you're working, you know, hard, right, you're, you're sweating, maybe your your heart rates up, you're breathing heavy, but you may not necessarily be creating the stimulus that we want for building muscle, right. So again, yes, you can build some muscle here for sure. But it's a lot less efficient than hypertrophy specific training, just like strength training and training in the lower rep ranges, you can still build muscle there, but it's a less efficient.
So typically, metabolic or conditioning phases will focus on shorter rest periods. So relatively higher reps, like the 10, I would say anything 10 and above, so like, 10 to 15 ish. Like, again, these overlap, right? Before I mentioned that hypertrophy phase rep ranges were around the six to 15 ish. The these overlap, there's no like, exact cutoff. So within a metabolic or conditioning calories category, it's going to be more so like, I don't know, like the 12, I would say, 12 to 15 ish, even up to 30 reps. That's that, that that range, that we typically associated with metabolic or conditioning training, and it's gonna be more like, you know, circus, all terrain. So that's where, you know, those orange theory, you know, and again, this is going to be specific to exactly what you're doing in those classes.
So like, for example, CrossFit is going to be a little bit different than orange theory, different than berries, things like that. But if you're primarily training with lower weight, and in the higher rep range, and you're taking very short rest periods between that is probably going to be more so that metabolic category. So incorporating metabolic or conditioning work, or even dedicated specific phases, so this is definitely important. And mainly because it's important to improve your overall cardio and conditioning, that will in turn carryover to more productive hypertrophy training and even strength training in the future, right, just like incorporating lower rep work in your strength training phase is going to lead to more hypertrophy gains in the future, because you'll become more efficient at the skill of lifting weights to become better at that. So you'll be able to lift more weight. For more reps in the future.
Same with metabolic training or conditioning training, you want to make sure that your cardiovascular system is up to par to be able to handle those, those moderate weights and those, those may be higher rep ranges relative to the hypertrophy category, right? The thing to realize is way too many people are overdoing this third category, they're overdoing this type of training, and they're not getting the result they're after. And it's mainly because they're not sending the right signal to their body to their muscles that says, hey, adapt and grow. Right. So another thing here is also they're not recovering properly, right, they're doing a lot of conditioning work, a lot of metabolic training, and they're not allowing their body to recover.
And then obviously, recovery, there's a lot of nutrition and sleep and stress management that goes into that too. But from a training perspective, that's what we're talking about today. So if you're always doing this type of training, if you're always doing circuit training, you know, short rest periods, you know, that more metabolic category that I'm talking about, it's going to be harder to create significant mechanical tension to the target muscle fibers, as well as get enough effective reps and slats that are close to failure. Again, this goes back to exactly what I was talking about with the strength phase. So a big mistake that people make is thinking that that feeling of you know burning, or the pump that you get after your workout, or you know that that feeling that your muscles are burning.
Really, the mistake that a lot of people make, and I did this for a long time is thinking that that is what's primarily driving muscle growth. And that's not true. Just because your muscles are burning or you're feeling like they're kind of pumped up. It doesn't mean that you're training close to actual muscular failure, right? They aren't the same. Training close to muscular failure is going to be a result of creating enough mechanical tension which will allow you to create enough effective reps, but that burn that you're feeling that pumped that you're feeling that doesn't necessarily mean that you're training close to muscular failure. And when I say close to muscular failure, I mean within a few reps from failure, that's where the most muscle growth occurs.
All right, I talked about this before in previous podcasts, but you don't want to make the mistake that you know that burn of the pump is muscular failure, right, that's the mistake a lot of people are making, they're associating this burn this pump that feeling with muscle growth, when it's it's not the same thing. So, again, not saying that that's not going to lead to some muscle growth, but it's not going to be the most efficient way to get those, you know, effective reps in. So to sum this all up, and I'll probably in the future go into more detail on with, you know, these specific subjects in themselves. You know, you have to realize that not all training programs will be divided up into specific categories like this, right. So just like I said, with the light switch, there's going to be, it's going to be more on a spectrum.
And there'll be, you know, people programmed differently, right i program in my own way people program and the ways that they are familiar with and some will intertwine, right. So, some, some phases of programs will have will be specific to strength, some will be specific to hypertrophy, some will be a combination of both, it really just depends kind of the method that you're using, to, to program. So, again, these are just general categories to give you a better understanding of how this all works. So that you can kind of understand the different signal that you're sending to your body within these three different categories, right, because they're different. So again, for example, I'll just give you a quick example, like in my group coaching, membership, shout out to the flex fam, I program, different phases each month, each month for all of this in mind.
So sometimes we have specific strength phases, sometimes we have specific hypertrophy phases, sometimes we have a combination of, you know, all three strength, hypertrophy and metabolic Summit, sometimes there's a combination of hypertrophy, metabolic, there's so many different ways to go about it. But there's also a lot of thought, that goes into program design. And, you know, I've spent years studying this. And so when I create a training program, every single set, every single rep, every single rest period, it has a specific place for a specific reason.
And within that, you know, with most of the ladies in our in our membership, and with myself, our goal is to change your body composition, but also get stronger, but also increase our cardiovascular system, our overall health, right, that's important to feel confident, strong, badass, like that is all what the FlexScan was about. So that takes, you know, creating trigger training programs that are not only working in these different categories, but also that are fun to write. So it has to be fun. And so there is a difference between optimal, and I guess you could say, more practical or more enjoyable. And it's really finding that balance, where you can get where you can optimize things as best as possible. But at the same time, you know, sometimes optimal is not always going to be what's best for the, the kind of longevity of it, right?
So you when you're training, you want to have fun, you want it to be exciting. And that's really how I program for, for my one on one clients, and for the members of the flex fam is I try to take all of these things that are in my head, because I love to nerd out on this stuff, and put it into you know, a program each month that builds upon each other, right, these, these phases build upon each other each month. But they also incorporate different, different, what's the word stimuli within these different months, but they also incorporate things that are fun, right?
So that you can, you know, work hard and work smart, but also have fun while you're doing it. And so understanding these different categories, if you don't understand these different categories, you understand the different stimuli that you're sending your your body, then you're kind of just doing work and, you know, not getting as much of a reward from it that you could. And that's why you have to just be careful with different programs that you follow, or even these different circuits classes that you're going to, because you you might be doing a lot of work again, and working hard, but not sending the right signal that says, hey, build this muscle so that I can create this Lean toned physique that I want this, you know, the definition that I want.
And again, you know, this does come back to nutrition as well. But from a training perspective, you have to make sure you're sending the right signal. So hopefully, that helped to kind of divide up the category. So you have a bit more of an understanding of that. And, and then more of an understanding of why, you know, circuit style classes are not bad, like nothing's bad, right? If you if that's what gets you to go to the gym a few times a week and train and this is why I really enjoyed CrossFit. And I still do it. I don't do it anymore. But I do, you know, enjoy sometimes going to these group classes because it's an atmosphere, right? It's a family atmosphere, there's competition, it's great.
But if you're, you're doing that and you've been doing this for years and you're not getting to the result you want, then there's probably something that can be optimized a little bit more than And that might mean maybe you do the circuit, maybe you go to CrossFit two days a week, and then you follow a more specific hypertrophy training program to other days a week, or maybe you do, I don't know, berries one time a week where you're getting a good kind of, because berries is like treadmill and weights, but it's more like, I would call it weights with, or cardio with weight.
So you're using, we're, it's a lot of metabolic training, basically. So maybe you do that once a week. And maybe you count that as your cardio session. So this is something that I actually did last month is I was I wanted to try out ClassPass it was like some deal. ClassPass is where you can go to different places. And I wanted to try it out just for fun, but I wanted to use it as like my cardio or conditioning day. I didn't use it as my lifting day of the week. So even though like for example, I went to Barry's once once for two weeks straight winterberries once a week for two weeks. And I counted that as my conditioning or cardio day because there was running on the treadmill, which I hadn't done in a while. And I wanted to just kind of see how that that one. And there was still a weights portion of it. But I made sure that I chose weights that were lightweights and that it was more of that I was getting more of the conditioning from it, the cardio aspects of it and not focused on like, you know, am I getting effective reps and my training close to failure, like that was not my focus, because I was using it as a conditioning day.
And that's something that you can think about, like maybe you train three days a week, and follow a specific program, like the ones that we follow in the flex fam. And then maybe you know, for your conditioning day or for the day that you want to be a little bit more social in the in the class atmosphere, whatever it is, maybe you go to CrossFit once or twice a week, maybe you go to Barry's once or twice a week, and use that as kind of that outlet. So you'll you'll kind of be getting the best of both worlds, you'll be able to work closer to your goal and get to that result that you want.
But but also, you know, be able to still enjoy those types of classes if that's what you enjoy. So anyway, now rambling, but hopefully that helped. And again, don't forget, nutrition, stress management, overall recovery is so so important for all of this, even if you're following a very well designed training program, like the ladies and the flex Sam do, that's my last plug of of this podcast, but you're you're still not seeing the results you want, you're probably lacking in one of those areas, you're probably you know, lacking in the nutrition side of things or the stress management.
And you know, most often it's the recovery side of things recovery and nutrition are are going to be the two keys that will allow you to, to, you know, recover from the hard training that you're doing. If you don't have your nutrition on point. If you don't have recovery practices in place. Again, you're just going to be doing a lot of work and not getting the reward from it as much of a reward from it. So anyway, hopefully that helped. Let me know if you can always reach out to me on social media or go to my website, Netflix lifetime.com/contact and send me a message there.
If you have any follow up questions, I'd love to answer them. And again, if you're interested in my group coaching, which is the membership, the flex fam, we will be opening up enrollment in the near future. Again, I don't know exactly what the dates going to be. But I will keep you posted on that.
You can go to the Flex fam.com and actually join the waiting list so that you are notified first. When enrollment opens again, you'll just add your name and email and I'll put you on a list and that way I know that you're interested and I can reach out to you directly when we open up enrollment again. So anyway, hopefully you have a great rest of your day and I will see you next time on another episode of Metflex and Chill.
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