Episode 74: Hormone Imbalances, Troubleshooting Digestion, Protein Recommendations, Sweeteners, and More!
Nov 27, 2020To watch this episode, please visit Rachel’s YouTube channel.
Find Ashleigh VanHouten on Instagram @themusclemaven and subscribe to her podcast Muscle Maven Radio
In this episode, we dive into common questions surrounding sweeteners, how to improve digestion, snacking tips, protein recommendations, and much more!
- [0:00] Welcome back to MetFlex and Chill! Today Rachel chats with Ashleigh VanHouten @themusclemaven for another listener Q&A episode
- [0:30] Episode 60: Q&A: All About Building Muscle with Ashleigh Vanhouten
- [1:00] If you want to watch this episode check it out HERE!
- [1:30] Muscle Maven Radio
- [2:00] Shout out to UCAN for sponsoring the podcast!
- [2:30] Check out http://www.ucan.co/metflexlife to learn more and use the discount code METFLEXLIFE to save 20%
- [3:00] Hello Puppy Lilo!
- [6:30] Ashleigh gives a brief breakdown of today’s show- primarily around nutrition
- [7:00] Question: Tips and tricks for hormone imbalances, specifically around ghrelin and leptin
- [15:00] Download your FREE Ultimate Sleep Checklist
- [16:30] Question: What are your thoughts on erythritol? It really wrecks havoc on my digestion but it’s in some many keto products.
- [22:30] Bocha Sweet
- [23:00] Check out the blog: Kabocha Extract: The Best Kept Secret in Keto-Sweeteners?
- [23:30] Swerve!
- [24:00] Question: Thoughts on improving digestion, especially if you start to up your protein intake?
- [30:00] Bioptimizers
- [32:30] Question: Tips for snacking (how to do less of it, how to optimize it and eat better snacks)?
- [45:30] Question: What are your thoughts on Ted Naiman’s P.E. Diet?
- [48:00] Question: What's your recommendation for protein intake?
- [55:00] Thanks for listening to another Q&A with Ashleigh VanHouten @themusclemaven!
- [55:30] If you want to follow Ashleigh on IG her handle is @themusclemaven and you can follow Rachel @rachelgregory.cns. Keep an eye out for exciting things to come in January 2021!
- [55:30] Thank you to UCAN for sponsoring the podcast! Check out http://www.ucan.co/metflexlife to learn more and use the discount code METFLEXLIFE to save 20%
Join the FREE MetFLex Life Course: www.metflexandchill.com
Rachel Gregory (@rachelgregory.cns) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Author of the best-selling book, 21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss Challenge. She received her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami.
Rachel helps her clients transform their lives by starting with the physical (body), realizing the power of the mental (mindset), and ultimately gaining massive confidence that bleeds into every aspect of their lives (family, relationships, work, etc.).
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