How I Grocery Shop and Meal Plan
Jul 06, 2022
So typically I will take like a big roast like a shoulder like a beef shoulder, I get mine from Butcher box or locally here. And I'll put that in the slow cooker or the pressure cooker. And I will just add spices, just general spices, and then I'll use that throughout the week. Like I'll shred it up, and then I'll use it. Like I said, Either I'll add barbecue sauce to it, or I'll add it to like a stir fry with sweet chili sauce. So that's like the red meat, I always like to have like a red meat during the day. And then typically a white meat if I do like chicken or pork or something. So I'll do kind of the same thing with chickens, I'll just have all these different varieties of protein. So it's typically it's been chicken, like a shoulder beef, roasted, shredded, and then bison like ground bison, like ground meat. And I'll use that first fit there. So I'll have that ready to go. And then for me, I'm lazy. So my entire freezer is half frozen meat. I have a bunch of bison in there because I bought like 20 pounds of it a little while ago from Nebraska bison. I don't know it's really good though. They're at a conference that was out a few years ago. And their bison is amazing.
But anyway, it's either it's frozen meat, and then frozen veggies and frozen fruit. So I'm super lazy, like I said, and typically the only vegetable that I will cut up and use throughout the week unless I'm making like a specific recipe is just zucchini because I love zucchini protip cooking zucchini and bone broth is amazing. And it takes like five minutes. And you probably see me post this on my story like everyday because I eat it every day. But frozen veggies are so simple. Especially you're talking about the air fryer. And so if you don't have an air fryer, just go buy an air fryer, because they're amazing. You can take frozen veggies that are typically like you microwave them, they're like oh my god, this is disgusting, because they're just like gross and mushy. But take like try this take frozen broccoli, if you want to or any frozen veggie and put in the airfryer. It comes out awesome. Like in 10 minutes. And then you can season it with whatever you want. So you don't have to, that's another like super simple thing. Like think about how you can make your life as easy as possible. frozen veggies are amazing.
And if you get organic frozen veggies, people are like, Oh, they're less nutritious than, you know fresh vegetables, that's actually complete. Not true, completely not true. Because if you especially if you're getting your vegetables from like the grocery store versus, you know, if you're getting from the farmers market, or you're you know, growing them yourself, that's amazing, right? Those are going to be great. But if you're getting vegetables from an average grocery store, even if they're organic, they How long do you think they've been sitting there? Or like what was the transport time from Mexico or wherever the heck they're coming from, versus when you get organic veggies that are frozen, they're like frozen right at their peak of freshness, right? So they're locking in those nutrients when they're frozen. Same, same goes for fruit, right?
So frozen veggies are just as if not more nutrient dense than fresh veggies, especially if we're talking about grocery store here, right. So I typically the only vegetables that I have in my vegetables or on an average basis are zucchini and cucumber, and the rest are frozen. And then obviously like tubers and squash, like we can't forget about squash, I don't get that frozen. And that's my like those are my starches. So I have frozen veggies as like my non starchy vegetable. So then I have my meats and then my starches are typically just squash that I roast. I literally cut it in half, put salt and cinnamon on it, throw it in the oven, and then it's there for the week. And I cut it up and put some nut butter on it or whatever I feel like and then I've eggs and yogurt. And that's like I just those are the staple foods that I know that I enjoy. And so I make different things out them and that's totally fine.
Like I said, I eat pretty much the same types of things each day, but I really enjoy them and I look forward to eating them because I know that they fit within my goals and they make me feel good and they fill me up. So that's kind of one thing just like think about okay, what are the foods that make me feel good fit within my goals and keep me full? Then use that as your base and then every once in a while or Sunday nights typically I'll try like a new recipe or a Friday or whatever it is. But keep it simple because simple is what's going to make things less stressful.
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