How to Implement a Diet for your lifestyle
Aug 31, 2022
You know, just kind of going through the last year is working with tons of different types of clients, I work with a lot of clients who are coming from, you know, they implemented keto, and they found success with it in terms of, you know, what their, this is all individual as well. But in terms of just getting away from a lot of the the food focus and just thinking about food all the time, having some benefits in terms of that mental clarity that focus throughout the day, being able to employ a little bit more fasting a little bit easier, if that was their goal. But I've just found that it's just so individual to the person and where they're coming from. So I like to kind of look at it on a on a spectrum.
So if you look at kind of like a spectrum of body composition and activity level, so if you are on like, the leaner side, the more active side, versus someone who's more on the maybe they're overweight or obese, or they're suffering from any type of insulin resistance, or they're just a little bit more sedentary, like there, those are kind of like the two extremes, right. And so kind of thinking about implementing a ketogenic diet, I think the more the end more where you're kind of overweight, maybe a little bit sedentary, all that, I think it has more implications on that side, if you're looking to implement a ketogenic diet, versus if you're on the leaner side, there are, I still think there's benefits to going through a period of ketosis, just to kind of, if you are someone who has been high carb your whole life, and I've never really experienced being in a state of ketosis, or, you know, you know, just experiencing that, in general, a lot of people don't know that, you know, we're actually born in a state of ketosis.
And we go through the first kind of few weeks months of our lives in a state of ketosis, because we're either drinking our mom's breast milk, which is very high fat. Or if we're on formula, if you're on a good formula, it's going to be high fat. And so you're actually in a state of ketosis. And we know also, like, we look back kind of at our ancestors, right? We know that just like, in the last, you know, 10,000 years, our our DNA and our genetics have not changed that much, right. But our like, in the last 100 years, we've gone from hunter gatherers to, you know, factory farming. And so if we look kind of back 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago, like a little bit more than that our, you know, ancestors, they were metabolically flexible, by necessity.
So they went into periods of ketosis, just from necessity, but then they also went into periods of eating a little bit higher carbs, depending on the seasons, things like that. So that's kind of where that metabolic flexibility side comes into. I think that with keto can be beneficial for someone who is looking to, if they are coming from that higher carb, you know, always higher carb for their entire life, never experienced ketosis or never experienced that state, if they are maybe a little bit more sedentary. So maybe they're only working out a few days a week, they have like an office job, they're really looking to, you know, emphasize their mental clarity and their focus throughout the day. But again, it just it does come down to that individual.
And I think one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle is the overall stress load that that person is experiencing, especially when it comes to females, because those are a lot of the people I work with are females. And so stress is one of the biggest things that I found for myself, that I made a lot of mistakes with, with the stress side of things and thinking that you know, more is going to be better when it's not actually not going really far down like the fasting rabbit hole, because we know that keto and fasting can go hand in hand. And it can be beneficial at certain periods of time. But if you're going, like, way down that like oh, if I fasted a little bit, it's good. If I fast more, it's better. Not really. So I think that is one of the biggest things that I work with a lot of my clients with this just okay, where are you at and your overall stress throughout your life right now? Right?
Because stress all goes to the same place, whether it's from your training from your, you know, kids, you know, screaming at home, and, you know, I just had a client yesterday who was going, we started we just started a fat loss phase and she's like, I thought my kids were going back to school and now with COVID They're back at home and now I'm all stressed out again. I'm like alright, let's take a step back and reevaluate the plan.
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