Maximizing your Workouts with Nutrition
Oct 03, 2022
The biggest component of that is going to be how actually think instead of thinking right post workout, but thinking how far, or how long has it been since you've had your last protein serving. So for example, if you're going into your workout fasted, right, and it's been, I don't know, 14 hours into last eight, especially protein, that, it's probably going to be important that you get a good amount of protein in calories in after your workout if you're looking to maximize your gains. So you know, within an hour to write, but if you had a pre workout snack, or meal that had maybe like 3025, to 35 to 40 grams of protein in it, like 30 minutes before your workout. And so you're just doing like a lifting session that lasted an hour, you don't, those, those amino acids from the protein are still going to be circulating like in your body, right, and so you're, you're much less likely to go into a catabolic state, because you've had some food before your workout, even if you had a meal, like three to four hours before your workout.
So then, in that case, you know, you can wait three to four hours after your workout or maybe even a little bit longer, and you like nothing's gonna happen. So for that, it's really just thinking about, okay, you know, when was my last protein serving, and that's going to be the biggest thing that you want to think about, in terms of that muscle protein synthesis and spiking that within a, a period of time that makes the most sense, especially with what you're trying to optimize. If that is, you know, muscle building, maybe well, actually, this is a little bit of a different one, but maybe a and I've done this too, but oatmeal cooked with egg whites is actually pretty good. Pre Workout snack, or meal if you like oats, yeah, it's, uh, I mean protein and carbs, obviously. I mean, I think you should still have some fat in there, because you want to slow the digestion down a little bit.
But, but yeah, that would be cooked. So also don't want to, like if you're, you don't want to have a ton, I mean, and this is, again, everybody's their own individual, right, but just from like a general perspective, typically. And this is what I typically recommend like around your workout, pre and post. The focus, you know, if you are incorporating carbs, protein fats right throughout your day, and you're kind of you know, having those, maybe in a more balanced situation around your workout would be probably where I would put carbs and protein then I would space the fat, the majority of fat out like a little bit away right in the meals away from your workout. But you still want to have some fat in your Peri workout meals.
Peri-workout just means pre and post, because that is going to help with pre workout, it's going to help with stabilizing your blood sugar throughout the workout. So if you just have a bunch of carbs and maybe a little bit of protein and you go, you know during your session, maybe you're you feel great in the beginning and then all of a sudden mid session. You're just like, energy's plummeting, because your blood sugar went up, and then it just came right back down and went probably even further down. So we don't want that to happen. So having some fats can help keep you full as well a little bit you know, so that you're not starving during your workout, but also helped to kind of regulate that blood sugar response.
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