Best Pull-Up Progression for Beginners
Apr 27, 2024
Best Pull-Up Progression for Beginners
#1 Use Different Grip Angles
When progressing pull-ups, start with grip angles: neutral, supinated, and pronated grips for a balanced approach.
First Neutral, then Supinated, then Pronated
Begin with a neutral grip for comfort, then move to supinated for biceps involvement, and pronated for a challenging variation.
#2 Control the Top Portion of the Pull-Up
Focus on controlling the challenging top portion of the pull-up for increased strength and development.
#3 Start with Eccentrics (or Lowering)
Initiate with eccentrics – stepping up to the bar and lowering in controlled intervals – to build strength at the top position.
#4 Add in Dead Hangs
Enhance grip strength by incorporating dead hangs during the lowering phase.
Common Pull-Up Mistakes
#1 Wide Arm Angle
Avoid pulling with arms at a wide angle; opt for a 45-degree angle for better shoulder health
#2 Rounded Shoulders at the Top
Prevent rounding shoulders at the top; focus on contracting back muscles fully rather than getting chin over the bar.
Build Strength Before You Pull Up
Strengthen accessory muscles (biceps, forearms, back) to progress pull-ups effectively.
- Inverted Rows
Include inverted rows to mimic pull-up motion and gradually increase difficulty by elevating your feet.
- Pulldowns, Rows, Bicep Curl
Incorporate movements like pull downs, rows, and bicep curls to build muscle and strength for pull-ups.
- Zottman Curls
Try Zottman curls for bicep and forearm development, which contribute to improved pronated grip pull-ups.
Increase Frequency
Boost progress by increasing pull-up frequency, integrating it into your routine more often.
When to Incorporate them During your Workout
Perform pull-ups at the beginning of your workout for optimal results when your muscles are fresh.
By following these steps and avoiding common mistakes, you'll create an effective pull-up progression plan for beginners. Remember, consistent practice and gradual intensity increase are key to mastering this fundamental exercise.
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