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A woman is seen squatting with two dumbells. A neon pink check mark hovers over her squat stance. White text reads "Fix This."

How to Squat Properly

Jul 10, 2024

How do you Squat Properly?

If you're looking to master the squat, it's essential to understand that proper form can vary based on your specific goals and body structure. Let's delve into the intricacies of squatting correctly and explore some common mistakes to steer clear of.

Defining Your Specific Goal

Before diving into squat form, it's crucial to define your specific fitness goal. Whether you're striving to build muscle, enhance sports performance, or achieve other objectives, your squat technique will be influenced by your primary aim.

Accounting for Your Body Structure

Your unique body structure plays a significant role in determining your squat form. Your anatomy, how you move with added weight, and even the type of weight you use—all these factors impact how you squat. Remember that no two individuals are the same.

Tailoring to Your Goal: Squatting to Build Muscle

If your goal is muscle building, you can customize your squat to emphasize specific muscles. Adjust your technique to target your quads or glutes more effectively, depending on your desired outcome.

Squatting for Sport-Specific Goals

When squatting aligns with your sports goals, like powerlifting or Olympic lifting, your technique will adhere to specific rules and requirements unique to your sport. The squat's depth and execution will be tailored to meet these standards.

Avoiding Common Squat Form Mistakes

Now that we've discussed goal-oriented squatting, let's tackle some common form mistakes that can hinder your progress:

  1. Ignoring Your Personal Anatomy

Your body structure matters. Factors like leg length and torso proportions affect your squat form. For instance, individuals with longer femurs and shorter torsos may find it challenging to maintain balance during squats.

  1. Overemphasis on Mobility and Stretching

While mobility work and stretching are beneficial, they can't fundamentally alter your anatomy. Instead of focusing solely on these, consider adjusting your squat setup to align with your body's natural movement patterns.

  1. Finding the Right Squat Stance

The stance width is vital for stability and range of motion. Too wide or narrow of a stance can limit your mobility and stability, hindering your squat performance. Tailor your stance to your body structure.

  1. Striking a Balance with Weight

Selecting the appropriate weight is key. Going too light might limit gains, while going too heavy can compromise form and lead to injury. Always match the weight to your ability and goals.

  1. Breathing and Bracing Technique

Proper breathing and bracing are crucial for spinal stability and injury prevention. Master your breathing techniques before loading up for squats.

  1. Rethinking the Barbell Squat

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to stick exclusively to barbell squats. Your goal dictates the squat variation that suits you best. For hypertrophy, consider alternatives like machine squats, lunges, or leg presses that better match your body structure.

Customizing Your Squat Technique

The key takeaway is that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to squatting. Your squat form should align with your goals, body structure, and comfort. Don't hesitate to explore different variations, incorporate suitable modifications, and consult fitness professionals to ensure you're squatting effectively and safely.

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