Tailoring Nutrition for your Needs
Oct 24, 2022
I think it's just kind of like go. Again, this is so individual, but go like testing out different things, right testing and assessing different periods of time, potentially using a little bit of fasting to your advantage and, and testing things out with that. But yeah, it's, you know, thinking through like, okay, for example, if you are someone who's lifting a lot, right, and you're looking for really like body composition changes, right. So maybe you're lifting, you follow a protocol where you're doing like four weeks of, you know, heavy lifting, and you're on it. That's your program you're progressing. And then you have a fifth week where maybe your D loading, right, this is just an example.
So maybe during that D load week, you don't necessarily like your activities coming down. So maybe you don't need as much carbs during that week. I'm not saying that you have to do this. This is just one, one method that you could follow or try. So maybe for that week, you go more lower carb, and then you kind of maybe get into ketosis for that period of time. So your body recognizes that again. So it's just kind of going through these different periods and being there. And then also, you'll get to a point at least, this is the point that I've gotten to where it just comes very naturally. So like, for example, I went to New York to go back home. I'm originally from New York to visit my family. Two weeks ago, I was celebrating a wedding, my best friend's wedding, and my 30th birthday, all in basically five day period, and the wedding was on my actual birthday. So my excuse was like, Okay, I can't celebrate my birthday on this day. Because it's you know, all about my friends her wedding, that we'll just celebrate for the other five days of the week.
So we went out to eat, we were like, I was eating a lot like eating at different restaurants, eating all the things, right. And then it was time to come back home. So I was going from the East Coast to the West Coast. So I essentially gained, like, three hours, obviously. And it was like a 27 hour day. And my flight was super, super early in the morning, right? So I was up at like 330 in the morning. And again, this was after a week of eating all the things carbs, fats, protein, all the all the things. And so for me, I was like, Okay, I need to kind of get back on my schedule. I know that I probably been in a surplus for the last week. So I need to kind of get back into the groove of things. And so I just ended up fasting for the entire day. And that was just a natural thing that I did. And yeah, it was a little bit like I had hunger pangs throughout that but it weren't, it wasn't so much where I was, it wasn't actually at all, where I felt that I was gonna, you know, die, or I was hangry or anything like that. And so for that, that's meat like that's my body saying, Hey, you're metabolically flexible, you can go eat these carbs for a week, eat all this food for a week. And then immediately fast for I think I fasted for 22 hours, just because that's kind of how the schedule worked for that day. And so I was just it was water and a little bit of coffee. And that was you know, that's how that day went. And I was I had like maybe two hunger pains that lasted maybe 15 minutes each. But as we know, hunger comes and goes, it's like a wave.
So when you have a hunger pain, it's not going to last for hours on end, it's going to come up and problem and maybe lasts for 10 to 20 minutes, and then it will come back down and go away. So it's kind of just getting over that hump. But it wasn't anything where I was like, you know, some people who are, I guess not metabolically flexible, if you go from eating a ton of food, a ton of carbs, and then try to fast you're gonna probably feel like shit because your blood sugar is gonna be dropping and you're just not going to be here and we hangry you're going to be you know, angry and pissed off and not be able to focus and things like that.
So So yeah, that's really where like kind of the natural more natural side of it comes into play and and kind of working with your schedule and going through those you know, those different periods and not really forcing it I think that has become something that can be super beneficial when you actually don't try to force it you just kind of go with the flow I put like sometimes, like for my trip there for example, I'll pack like a little cooler and I'll give like tons of tips on how you can get past TSA with like little things. So that's why I always like I have like okay, there's like for example my trip back I fasted the entire time and my cooler was wrapped up in my bag, but on the way there I was I wasn't fasting I was just getting a lot of protein in but brought my own food.
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