The Domino Effect of Discipline
Oct 04, 2022
The discipline factor like when you are you set something like in your head, you set a goal or whatever it may be like, for example, you talking about your client, getting that workout in, right? At the end of the day, maybe it's as simple as shifting your schedule. So it's like you're making it easier for yourself. So maybe you try to get it in before work, or whatever it may be. But just that kind of discipline behind that, it's like a really says, you know, practice discipline, like all that stuff. But there's something that comes from like, what the feeling after that, right, when you feel like oh, man, like, I did what I said I was going to do. And so the discipline that you practice, then like that feeling of accomplishment, that's the feeling that that's like, really good, because you're like, I did that shit. Like I said, I was gonna do it. And I did it. And I followed through with it, that makes you feel accomplished.
And then that will have a domino effect into everything else you're doing. Right. And so I think that's something that a lot of people and I wrote an email last week, when I was talking about, I said something about all I know what I said, but I was talking about being selfish, right? Like how it's okay to be selfish. Sometimes, people like, Oh, you shouldn't be selfish with that, overall, but I'm like, Okay, well, if I'm going to be selfish, and that's going to allow me to bring my best self to everything else that I'm doing, it's just gonna make everything else so much better. So like, if you're a mom, if you're busy, like making that time for yourself from the beginning, like setting the at least, I don't even like 20 minutes a day to just do your thing.
I can promise you, if you start to do that, especially like in the morning, when you like, set your day up for success is what I always say, that will help you to just bring your best self to everything else that you're doing. So taking that 20 minutes out of the full day to just like, do your own thing that can have a huge effect into like, how you react to your family, how you react at work, and all those things. And I think that's something that took me a long time to actually realize that and once I did, and, like stayed disciplined, and like a morning routine, things like that. Everything else just got better. So I think that is just something to think about too.
Like it's okay to be selfish, especially if it makes you a better person, towards your family, towards your co workers, your friends, whatever it is, right. There's, there's, you know, merit to that. And then second, if you set a goal, you know, practice and discipline because you'll be surprised, you know, what that can do afterwards, like feeling that, you know, accomplishment and the domino effect that can happen to everything else you're doing.
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