The Power of Coaching
Oct 11, 2022
The top athletes in the world, the top Olympians in the world all have coaches, the top executives in the world all have a coach or a mentor or something like that. So why would I think that I'm any better, to not have won like it doesn't like when that clicked in my head, I was like, Oh, this makes total sense. Obviously, I'm gonna go hire a coach.
Now that I understand, and now that I can like put, like you said, put my ego aside, and like, that's what click the coach that I did hire. He's like, he didn't have any, really, like, he wasn't a Keto coach wasn't low carb, he wasn't in that realm at all. So it was really kind of a joint effort between the both of us to really come up with a plan that, like I felt comfortable with. And so I think that's important too, like having a coach that you can, you know, be open with have open communication, they're not just telling you what to do, but you're also working together, right? It's like, it's a relationship that you're building. And so that was, that was a big piece of it. So I told him, like, you know, this is what I'm comfortable trying, and he maybe pushed my buttons on a few things. And I was like, alright, I'll try that.
But I'm not ready for that. And so that was kind of how that kind of built up. And I basically started experimenting with different things starting to incorporate more carbs, specifically around my workouts, so you know, more of that targeted approach. So that was kind of like the first step. And that's, you know, I go through different protocols with my clients as well, depending on where they're coming from. And it's all about the communication, it's all about figuring out like, Okay, this is where you are, this is where you're at from both a physiological and psychological standpoint, because that's a huge piece of it. And then these are the things that we're going to try, we're not going to try them all at the same time.
Because if we do that's overload, like, there's too many variables there. So, you know, implementing one thing, testing it out for a certain period of time. And then moving on to another thing, I think is super important to understand, too, because especially when it comes to nutrition and training, right? Like, if you're going to just throw a bunch of things at the wall at once, right? Like, how do you know what's working and what's not. So you have to kind of, you know, take it a little bit slow and steady, trust the process and realize that, like, it doesn't happen overnight.
And that's what I tell all my clients, both my one on one clients and my group coaching clients that I have a three month minimum commitment for all of my clients that I work with no matter if it's one on one or group coaching because I truly believe that you know, anything under three months, it's just like, like, you'd need that time there's there's a time component to anything that you're doing nutrition training related. And if you don't, you know, buy into that time period at least three months. I don't think that you're actually creating real change.
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