Understanding Macros
Oct 07, 2022I do think that like I said, having, like, for example, the pre and post workout having even just like five to 10 grams of carbs, I'm sorry, of fat. Yeah, but I guess my My thing is just not avoiding, like, some people think, oh my gosh, you can't have any fat before after my workout because it's gonna, you know, slow me down things like that. So they're literally like I have to have zero fat in my pre and post workout meal. I think that's a mistake, but having a little bit of fat can go a long way. So, so yeah, I definitely think that that's a that's a good framework, I think that the biggest thing with having carbs and fats together is that most of that is found in a lot of, you know, highly palatable, highly processed foods.
So that is a good framework to have. I mean, if you're talking about Whole Foods and like having, you know, an avocado with some potatoes and some protein, like, I feel like maybe that's a different scenario. Because it is going to be a you know, obviously avocados whole, a whole food, lots of nutrients, things like that. But you can overdo it, and those things can be hyper palatable to so for example, having a sweet potato with peanut butter on it, or just herbs. That sounds weird, but that's actually really good. Oh, yeah, it sounds it's really good. So let's let's, let's keep it less weird having a sweet potato with butter on it, right? butter and salt. I put nut butter on everything. But anyway.
So okay, having a sweet potato with butter and salt is going to be much more satisfying, so to speak, than having just a plain sweet potato, or a plain potato, whatever with nothing on it. So a plain potato or plain soup to is just carbs. nut butter is primarily fats, or sorry, we're not talking about nut butter, butter, butter is primarily that same thing. And then salt obviously just makes things taste better. So you're probably going to be much more likely to overeat that potato with the butter, the carbs and the fats together with the salt than you are just a plain boiled potato.
So that's where even though all those things are technically like more whole foods. That's where you can get into some issues especially if you're trying to like you know, keep your calories in check. Keep your hunger and check things like that cravings, all that jazz.
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