What are the Benefits of Metflex?
May 20, 2022
What are the benefits of metabolic flexibility so there are several short term and long term benefits of metabolic flexibility. So let's chat about a few of them.
Okay, so the first benefit of metabolic flexibility is in the name more flexibility. So especially if you're coming from, you know, a low carb or ketogenic diet, this is one of the biggest benefits that in my eyes to be more metabolically flexible, as you have less restriction, you're able to be more flexible, you have more food freedom, less food focus, so you're able to, you know, eat carbohydrates and not feel like you're gonna fall over dead, right. So being able to have that flexibility, being able to go to an event and have a cupcake every once in a while and not feel guilty about it or feel like crap the next day, that is a huge benefit of being able to be metabolically flexible.
But at the same time, on the other side of things, feeling like you don't have to, you know, eat every few hours feel like you can go throughout your day, you're not super food focused, you have good energy, you have, you know, stable blood sugar throughout the day, you're not on that blood sugar rollercoaster. So you're not always thinking about your next meal or thinking about your next snack. They're just some huge benefits of metabolic flexibility in the sense of, you know, more flexibility, less restriction, less, you know, food focus, and more just feeling good throughout the day.
So another benefit, and this is kind of piggybacking off, the last thing I said is just your, you have better control over your hunger and cravings throughout the day. And you're able to go throughout the day, and have a little bit, you know, easier time skipping meals or fasting for longer periods of time. So that would be another huge benefit. I know I talked about that a little bit more, but I just want to make sure that I hone in on that.
Because just having a little bit more freedom from the hunger and the craving side of things can be super beneficial. Especially if you have specific goals, whether that's, you know, fat loss or weight loss, and you're trying to go throughout the day and make it as easy as possible to stick to your plan. That is a really huge benefit of being metabolically flexible, because you have you know, less time to think about food and deal with cravings and deal with hunger, and you can just go throughout your day with good energy. So that'd be a huge benefit of metabolic flexibility.
So another huge benefit is you're able to use fuels more effectively. And so when I say that, when you eat, you know, carbohydrates, for example, your body is able to take up those carbohydrates and use them more efficiently. So if you're more metabolically flexible, you're probably going to have better insulin sensitivity, which means that when you consume carbohydrates, for example, especially like after a workout, you're going to be able to kind of soak up those carbohydrates more in your muscle as muscle glycogen, which is just the storage form of carbs, carbohydrates, versus storing those carbohydrates as fat. And the reason for that is because your body is more efficient at using those carbohydrates as fuel. And we kind of call that partitioning fuel sources.
So you're better able to partition fuel within your body within your cells. And so you're able to take that up better. And you know, for example, in your muscles, like I mentioned, you'll obviously want to be storing more fuel and carbohydrates in your muscles versus in your body fat, right? So being metabolically flexible, allows you to be able to do that because your body is efficient at using those carbohydrates for fuel. And then on the opposite side of things, if you're able to, you know, tap into your body fat stores and use those for fuel. That is a whole other benefit, right, because your body, you have a ton of fuel on you, right, you have tons of fat, even the skinniest and Llinas person has tons of body fat that they can use for fuel.
The issue is that a lot of us have a hard time tapping into that fuel source because we are so reliant on carbs and sugar. So the more metabolically flexible you are, the better you're able to tap into those different fuel sources at different times, and use them for what for the fuel that's warranted at that time.
So another benefit of metabolic flexibility is being able to sort of trust your body signals a little bit better. So eating intuitively, right? That's something that we all want to be able to do and listening to, you know, our hunger and listening to our cravings. Like, are we actually hungry? Or is it just a craving so being metabolically flexible, you are able to, you know, pay attention to those signals a little bit better and a little bit more with ease throughout the day, because you're more in tune with that. So that's a huge benefit of being metabolically flexible, is that you're able to just be more in tune with the different signals that your body is giving you and have a little bit more you know, balance within you know, your hormones, right they're they're working more efficiently you're able to the the hunger signals that your hormones are sending out to your brain and through your body.
Like you're more able to recognize those and know you know, what's true hunger versus what's just a craving that you're having because of stress or something else, that's something else that's going on in your life. So that'd be a huge benefit of metabolic flexibility. So being able to manage these different things throughout your day, you know, your blood sugar levels, having good blood sugar regulation, being able to manage your hunger throughout the day, your cravings, being able to, you know, exercise and feel good the These are all going to translate to longevity right? They're all going to translate to your health in the long term and how healthy your body is your cells, your metabolism, all of that. So, in general, those are the some of the benefits of metabolic flexibility. Again, not all of them but they will translate to the long term.
Thanks so much for watching. If you want to learn more about nutrition, fitness or metabolic flexibility, you can check out our website met Flex life.com. There you can find our podcast, Netflix and chill our nutrition and exercise programs, our latest blog posts, free recipes and much more
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