What are the Top 5 Exercises for Men to Attract Women?
May 30, 2022
Top Five exercises to attract women. Okay, the first one is don't skip leg day. So aka do like exercises.
so, for your quads, your butt, don't be afraid to do some hip thrusts in the gym. A lot of guys think that that's weird, but you're actually going to be grow hip thrusts are not just for your glutes, they actually work your entire lower body. They're great for your overall leg growth. So do some hip thrusts. Do some squats doesn't have to be barbell squats, you can do Hack Squats, or machine squats or things like that Smith, machine squats, whatever it is.
If you're looking for upper body exercises, making sure that you are just being smart about your training, like don't just go to the gym and do all chest, make sure you're breaking up your training and doing just exercises, you know shoulder exercises, incorporating you know biceps and triceps. But biceps and triceps are smaller muscle groups. So if you are doing more like compound movements, that's going to be in terms of upper body like chest movements, and shoulder movements, that's probably you're probably going to get more bang for your buck versus just going into the gym and doing like 100 bicep curls.
So in general, like having foundational movement patterns in check first is going to be what you want to focus on. So making sure that you're doing
making sure that you're doing I like to say hip dominant movement, which would be things like RDLs, or deadlifts, doing a quad dominant movement. So things like squats, split squats, leg extensions.
And when we're talking about upper body, you want to do some type of horizontal pushing movement, which is going to be a benchpress, or some type of benchpress doesn't have to be a barbell bench press, but some type of type some type of horizontal movement where you're pushing in the horizontal plane
movement where you're pushing in the vertical plane. So an overhead shoulder press, any type of movement like that, when it comes to pulling movements, you want to make sure you're doing those in both the horizontal and the vertical plane. So horizontal Poles would be things like rows.
And then vertical poles would be things like pull ups or pull downs. So basically just making sure that you are hitting all your foundational movement patterns and not just focusing on like, Hey, I'm gonna go to the gym and curl some weights and get some, do some bicep curls or do some random stuff, you want to make sure that you know you're thinking about structuring your training.
So you're hitting all of the major muscle groups and all of the major foundational movement patterns so hip dominant movements, quad, quad dominant movements, horizontal pressing, and pulling movements, and vertical pressing and pulling movements. And then some core exercises as well. That's probably going to cover everything and you know, make sure that you're doing make sure that you're getting as much out of that training as possible by you know, hitting on those movements and hitting on all the muscle groups that you need to.
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