What Motivates Rachel in her Work?
May 31, 2022
I'm just really, really interested in all things, nutrition, and training.
I just love to nerd out on it, I think it's because it's like, it's like, unending, like, there's no end to how much you can learn when it comes to nutrition, there's no end specially with training to how much you can learn. There's just like, so much.
And so it's just fun and exciting. And there's always something new. So I'm, I think that's what interests me and gets me excited about it. And then also, you know, when I work with clients, and I see the changes that they make, and the changes that have happened in their body composition, and make them more confident, you know, in all areas of their life, that really just, you know, resonates with me until I love, you know, seeing that and working with people and seeing them, you know, being able to, you know, get into a lifting routine and start to build some muscle and start to change your body composition and start to feel so much more confident.
And that confidence, you know, translate to translate to every other aspect of their lives, like, you know, with their family, with their friends, whatever it may be. I know, that's what happened for me. And so seeing other people do that is just super inspiring. And that's why I love to do it. So I guess so personally with me, like, I mean, I mentioned at some point that I was doing a lot of CrossFit training, and I was kind of running myself into the ground. And once I realized that I like well, actually, I injured myself. And I actually was forced to take a break.
And then once I got back into it, I decided that I wanted to try something new, I hired my own coach. And that's really what changed everything because he was able to give me an outside perspective. And he was able to kind of take everything that was on my plate off my plate. Like for example, I'm obviously I'm a nutritionist myself. And so I know a lot about nutrition. I know a lot about training. And so I was trying to write my own training programs, while also writing on my other clients, programs and things like that.
But once I was able to kind of take that what I was doing for myself off of my plate, it, it was just a lot more fun, right? Having someone else write your program for you, having someone else being able to give you feedback on your nutrition or be that outside perspective that says, hey, maybe you should try this, this might work and you didn't even think about that. And then it does work. And you're like, oh, like okay, this makes sense.
Sometimes we're, you know, we are sometimes we're like stuck in our own head, right? And we can't get out of it. We don't, you know, have different perspectives. So once you have that outside kind of set of eyes telling you, hey, like, why don't we try these different things, that makes a huge difference. And then once you see that they you know, those things start to compound themselves.
And you know, you're seeing changes in yourself, especially for me seeing changes like in my own body composition, I went through my own kind of transformation where I lost 20 pounds and did a photoshoot. That whole process was very, very, it was a really great learning experience and it was very empowering. And I felt a lot of confidence from that. And like I said, all that confidence carried over to like the rest of my life. So that is the answer to the question.
Thanks so much for watching. If you want to learn more about nutrition, fitness or metabolic flexibility, you can check out our website met Flex life.com. There you can find our podcast, Netflix and chill our nutrition and exercise programs, our latest blog posts, free recipes and much more
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