Why I don't Make Meal Plans
Oct 18, 2022
I had a question yesterday, someone sent a question about like, what's the nutrition plan? Like? Is it individualized? Do I get like a meal plan. And with that, I basically responded, I said, I don't believe in the cookie cutter plans, I'm going to give you all the tools that you need, I'm going to be there to teach, you know, within the group coaching it is, you know, me teaching, but also others supporting and giving feedback and stuff like that. And so that's something that I think a lot of people, like they want the quick fix, right, we all want the quick fix. But that's not going to teach you how maybe that teaches you maybe that gets you results in within a three month period, maybe you lose some body fat, right, you start to feel better. But if you're just following a specific plan, a cookie cutter plan, and you're not learning the things behind that plan, right?
If you're not learning how to build the habits, if you're not learning, why you're eating, what you're eating, what's working for you, especially if you're looking to maybe build some muscle or get quote unquote, toned. I say, quote, unquote, because getting toned is literally building muscle, especially for women. We have to, you know, realize that, but yeah, so there's no, like, there's nothing wrong with following a meal plan for a period of time to like, kind of get things consistent and figure out what foods work for you things like that. But you know, as I said, from the beginning, everybody is their own individual, and there's going to be things that come up in your life, there's going to be things that kind of, you need to start to, you know, go through to be able to adapt to them to be able to, you know, go through the struggles and figure out you know, what's working for you? What's not working for you? How can you maintain this long term?
Because what does it matter if you like lose weight, right over a four month period, but then once you're finished with the diet, if you can't maintain it, which we know from the research, I think 80 to 90%, at least from the stats that I recently seen 80 to 90% of people who lose weight gain it back. That is because they have not built up the habits built up the structure built up the systems to have in place to be able to maintain the results long term. And so what's the point of doing it if you're not gonna be able to maintain it?
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