Keto Flu: What It Is & How To Avoid It blog keto basics Jan 07, 2020

When first transitioning to a ketogenic diet, it’s not uncommon to experience some initial side effects that come along with cutting carbs. These side effects are generally known as the “keto flu” and include symptoms like headaches, brain fog, irritability, nausea, dizziness, muscle cramps, heart p...

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The Ketogenic Diet: What It Is, Benefits, and How To Get Into Ketosis blog keto basics Jan 07, 2020

A ketogenic diet consists of a low-carb, adequate protein, healthy-fat approach to food and drink consumption. When you decrease your carbohydrate intake and subsequently increase your healthy fat and protein intake, your body switches from a sugar-burning state to a fat-burning state, also known as...

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Keto For Weight Loss...The Truth Revealed blog fat loss keto basics Jan 01, 2020

The amount of information circulating about keto on the internet, social media, in bookstores, etc. is insane! There are so many different ‘experts’ out there telling you how to follow a ‘proper’ keto diet, why you need to do it this way or that way, or giving you 100 different reasons why you’re no...

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Sweeteners: Friend or Foe? blog desserts keto basics tips Dec 26, 2019

Before we dive into my opinion on sweeteners or sugar replacements, I just want to clear something up that has really irked me over the years.

When someone says: "I don’t like to use sugar replacements because they’re so unnatural, I’d rather just stick with real sugar."

I’ve heard this statement ...

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8 Tips To Prevent Holiday Weight Gain blog fat loss lifestyle tips Nov 21, 2019

The holiday season is the hardest time of year to stay on track with our goals. Daily routines are put on hold, stress is usually a bit heightened, food temptations are everywhere, the list goes on...

What I’ve realized over the years is that if we try to be too restrictive during these times, it c...

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Nature's Candy - Kabocha Squash blog Nov 16, 2019

If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook lately, you’ve likely seen that I’ve developed a new love (some may call it an obsession đŸ€Ș) with a particular variety of squash.

Over the past few months, I’ve started incorporating a bit more carbs into my daily regimen (read this post if you’re...

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There Is No 'One-Way' To Keto blog keto basics lifestyle Nov 07, 2019

Back in 2014 when I first started following a keto diet, I thought it was the BEST ‘diet hack’ in the world.

❌ No more waking up ravenous every morning

❌ No more afternoon energy crash and taking naps under my desk

❌ No more late-night sugar binges

❌ No more thinking about my next meal right aft...

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This simple tweak to your day can make a HUGE difference! blog fat loss lifestyle tips Oct 03, 2019

Let’s talk about NEAT!

NEAT stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.

It sounds complicated but it’s really not.

Basically, NEAT refers to the calories burned during activities that are not considered formal exercise (i.e., cleaning the house, walking the dog, taking the stairs, standing for lo...

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