How to Know If You're In Ketosis (Key Signs to Look for) miniflex Mar 07, 2022

How do I know if I'm in ketosis? Good question. There are a few different ways to determine if you're in ketosis.

Signs to Know If You're In Ketosis

You can go by the objective metrics or the subjective metrics. So we're going to talk about those today.

Objective Metrics to See If You're In...

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How Do You Achieve Metflex? miniflex Mar 04, 2022

How do I achieve metabolic flexibility? So let's talk about a few of the different ways that you can become more metabolically flexible.

So the first thing we need to think about is, it really depends on what side of the spectrum you're on. And when I say that, it means, you know, we have two...

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How to Get Toned miniflex Mar 02, 2022


How do you get toned? Let's talk about how do I get toned is a very common question that I get, and that I see a lot of people asking specifically females. So when it comes to getting toned, we have to realize that getting toned is a result of building new tissue, not simply melting away...

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Do I Need Carbs to Build Muscle? (According to Science) miniflex Mar 02, 2022

Do you need carbs to build muscle? Yes or no?

Yes, potentially. No, it depends.

From my experience over the years, both with myself and with my clients, it comes down to how you personally feel during your training. What's important is how you're feeling going into your training, and how you're...

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What Is Keto? (Everything You Need to Know About Ketogenic Diet) miniflex Mar 01, 2022


What is keto? Great question. I'm going to break it down in super simple terms for you today.

What Is Keto?

Keto stands for ketosis, which is a natural metabolic state that your body goes into when you reduce your carb and sugar intake and start to rely on fat and ketones for fuel.


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