When the seasons start to change and the weather gets cold, the first thing I think of is eggnog! Not store-bought eggnog but fresh homemade eggnog. That fresh eggnog is what inspired this recipe.
A low-carb twist on traditional German Christmas Cookies! Zimtsterne – Cinnamon Star Cookies. They're a cross between a meringue and a macaroon, with a hint of nuttiness. These German Christmas Cookies are melt in your mouth delicious!
Recipe By: MetFlex Tribe...
It’s incredible how many options are out there when it comes to sugar substitutes. While it’s not hard to find one that’s keto-friendly, it can be pretty difficult to find one that you actually enjoy.
Whether it’s an unpleasant aftertaste, a weird cooling-effect, or...
Before we dive into my opinion on sweeteners or sugar replacements, I just want to clear something up that has really irked me over the years.
When someone says: "I don’t like to use sugar replacements because they’re so unnatural, I’d rather just stick with real sugar."
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