Sugar-Free Eggnog Truffles desserts recipes Dec 18, 2020

When the seasons start to change and the weather gets cold, the first thing I think of is eggnog! Not store-bought eggnog but fresh homemade eggnog. That fresh eggnog is what inspired this recipe.

Recipe By: MetFlex Tribe Member, Kat Browning
Prep Time: 10 mins Cool...
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Low-Carb Cinnamon Stars: Zimtsterne desserts recipes Dec 15, 2020

A low-carb twist on traditional German Christmas Cookies! Zimtsterne – Cinnamon Star Cookies.  They're a cross between a meringue and a macaroon, with a hint of nuttiness. These German Christmas Cookies are melt in your mouth delicious!

Recipe By: MetFlex Tribe...

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Low-Carb Brownie Cheesecake Bars Recipe (Keto-Friendly) desserts recipes Dec 11, 2020
Low-Carb Brownie Cheesecake Bars. Are you drooling yet? Because I sure am!
These Low-Carb Brownie Cheesecake Bars are SO decadent and make for a perfect holiday dessert to impress the fam. They're super simple to make and get this...only 8 carbs per brownie with 5 grams of fiber!...
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Sugar-Free White Chocolate Pecan Pumpkin Muffins breakfast desserts recipes Oct 16, 2020
It's that time of year again -- pumpkin everything season!
These low-carb, white chocolate chip pecan pumpkin muffins are so easy to throw together and make for a perfect addition to any holiday party -- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas -- you name it!
Plus, each muffin only has...
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Low-Carb Strawberry Shortcake desserts recipes Jun 05, 2020
Last weekend I went strawberry picking at an orchard in Carlsbad, CA, and came home with a HUGE bucket of delicious, perfectly ripe strawberries. Of course this meant that I needed to get to work figuring out what do with all of them
And that's where this quick and easy low-carb...
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Low Calorie, High Protein Muffins desserts recipes May 03, 2020
These low-calorie, high-protein muffins are a perfect treat when you're in the mood for something sweet but don't want to go overboard with calories. The entire blueberry batch is under 300 calories and the entire chocolate chip batch is under 400 calories. These muffins are very light...
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Kabocha Extract: The Best Kept Secret in Keto-Sweeteners? blog desserts tips Jan 09, 2020

It’s incredible how many options are out there when it comes to sugar substitutes. While it’s not hard to find one that’s keto-friendly, it can be pretty difficult to find one that you actually enjoy.

Whether it’s an unpleasant aftertaste, a weird cooling-effect, or...

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Sweeteners: Friend or Foe? blog desserts keto basics tips Dec 26, 2019

Before we dive into my opinion on sweeteners or sugar replacements, I just want to clear something up that has really irked me over the years.

When someone says: "I don’t like to use sugar replacements because they’re so unnatural, I’d rather just stick with real sugar."


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