Front or Back Squat? Which is Better?
When it comes to squats, the eternal debate between front squats and back squats has left many fitness enthusiasts wondering which one is truly superior. The answer isn't as straightforward as you might expect. Let's delve into the nuances of both types of...
Slow Reps vs. Fast Reps: Unraveling the Mystery
When it comes to weightlifting, the speed at which you perform your reps can make a significant difference in your muscle-building journey. Slow and fast reps both have their merits, but it's essential to understand when and how to use each appro...
Why are your Shoulders not Growing?
Introduction: Unveiling the Delts
When it comes to achieving well-defined and impressive shoulders, understanding the intricate anatomy of deltoids is a crucial first step. Comprising three primary segments—the anterior (front), lateral (side), and posteri...
Common Mistakes when Building Glutes
#1: Too Wide of a Stance
One of the common mistakes that I see when training glutes is adopting too wide of a stance for squats and deadlifts.
- Finding the Optimal Stance
Traditionally, people believe that a wider stance is better for targeting glute...
Should you Track Food Raw or Cooked?
The Great Debate: Tracking Raw vs. Cooked Food
When it comes to tracking your food intake, there's often a debate about whether it's better to measure and log your food in its raw state or after it's been cooked. Both methods have their merits, and in t...
Is Elevating your Heels Cheating?
Elevating your heels during squats has become a subject of debate among fitness enthusiasts. While some consider it cheating, others argue that it can be a smart approach, especially for hypertrophy training. In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages of ...
If you want an Hourglass Shape, should you Train your Shoulders?
Myth: Shoulder Training Leads to a Masculine Look
One of the biggest misconceptions is that if you train your shoulders as a woman, you'll look masculine. That is complete BS. Actually, if you build muscle on your shoulders, sp...
Are Pull-Ups the Best Exercise to Grow your Back?
Great for Overall Strength, not so Great for Muscle Building
In my opinion, I think pull-ups are a great movement for overall strength, and honestly just making you feel like a badass. So I love pull-ups. But if your main goal is to build ...
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