Use a Food Scale to Measure Macros blog Jan 13, 2024

How to Use a Food Scale

Getting Accurate with Your Nutrition

Maintaining a healthy diet often involves tracking your food intake to ensure you're meeting your nutritional goals. In a world filled with oversized portions and hidden ingredients, it's easy to underestimate or overestimate what...

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7 Common Workout Mistakes to Avoid blog Jan 10, 2024

7 Common Workout Mistakes to Avoid

If you're striving to change your body composition, build muscle, and achieve a more sculpted physique, it's essential to steer clear of certain training mistakes. In this blog post, we'll highlight seven common pitfalls that can hinder your muscle-building...

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How Long Will it Take to Transform Your Body? blog Jan 06, 2024

How Long Will it Take to Transform Your Body?

In the realm of fitness and body composition, the allure of quick fixes and instant results can be tempting. However, when it comes to achieving lasting transformation and sustainable change, a shift in perspective is required. In this discussion,...

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Nicole's 3 Year Transfomation in The Flex Fam blog transformations Jan 05, 2024

Nicole's journey thus far in The Flex Fam Group Coaching Program

“I thought I would share my progress. The point of this post is that sometimes the physical progress is slow. But if you are patient (really patient), it ramps up!

Jan 2022: My starting weight was 160 lbs. It was not my worst...

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Plan your Meals to Hit your Macros blog Jan 03, 2024

How do I Plan My Meals to Hit my Macros?

When it comes to tracking your macro goals, the key to success lies in proper planning. Avoid the stress of playing "macro tetris" at the end of the day by organizing your meals and snacks ahead of time. In this article, we'll explore a step-by-step...

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Best Push-Up Progression for Beginners blog Dec 30, 2023

Best Push-up Progression for Beginners

Are you tired of struggling with knee push-ups and looking for a more effective way to improve your push-up game? In this blog post, we will explore a superior approach to push-up progression that will help you build strength and perfect your form. Say...

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Am I Too Far From Being Fit? blog Dec 27, 2023

What Would you Say to Someone Who Feels like They’re too Far From Being Fit?


In the pursuit of body transformation, it's easy to get caught up in the latest diet trends or intense workout routines. However, the key to success lies in understanding the basics and focusing on...

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How to Build Great Shoulders blog Dec 23, 2023

How to Build Great Shoulders

When it comes to achieving well-rounded and impressive shoulder development, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the different areas of your shoulders and how to effectively train them. In this guide, we'll delve into the key aspects of shoulder training,...

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