The Misconception about High-Intensity Workouts miniflex Dec 11, 2022

First of all, you know, just kind of like the old school thought that like you need to be sweating, your, your heart rate needs to be up the entire time you need to like, feel like you're actually, you know, working if and the only way to do that is if you are sweating and you're, you're like, ...

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Spending your Time Wisely miniflex Dec 08, 2022

So I think my opinion on this has evolved over the years as it should, as we learn more as we try out different things. I personally think that it's not as important as some people probably put it out to be. I think that, at least for me, I used to spend a lot of time, like doing like, I used ...

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Speed Bumps during a Reverse Diet miniflex Dec 04, 2022

It was probably one of the hardest things I've done for because it was a video shoot, not a photo shoot, but well actually, there was a photo shoot the fourth day, but it was a five day video shoot, like all day long type thing. Amazing, you know, experience had a really great team there who l...

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What Should You Eat Before A Workout? blog tips Dec 02, 2022

If your energy sucks during your workouts or you feel like you tap out mid-way through…might be time to start paying closer attention to your meal timing and nutrition around your training sessions 🤷🏻‍♀️💪🏻

This is an example of a pre-workout "snack" I'll consume about 45 minutes before my workout:

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Nuances to Training for your Goal miniflex Dec 01, 2022

I will say one thing with that is that there is something called pre exhausting the muscles. However, you need to be very careful with the movement that you choose. So like you were saying, you know, traditionally, you wouldn't do leg extensions, which is a quad isolation movement before a bac...

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You Don't have to Barbell Back Squat miniflex Nov 27, 2022

So that's the only thing that from experience, I'll say, with the, the like if your main goal is hypertrophy over strength, not that they don't happen the same time, they absolutely do, we talked about in the program. But there are other things that you can do if you've been doing the same thi...

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Using Machines versus Free Weights miniflex Nov 24, 2022

I feel like this is a debate that we could have because I was in that camp a lot with not like, oh, using machines is for, you know, wimps or like only when you're injured. But I think this could be a separate episode where we talk about the our, our opinions, and we do talk about this a littl...

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Diet Labels miniflex Nov 20, 2022

I was laughing at this because earlier in the day, so we're doing this 30 gram per meal protein challenge in my Flex fam group coaching. And it's like a 21 day challenge of 30 grams per meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, spaced out evenly throughout the day, whatever. And the challenge is...

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