Why Hypertrophy Training will get you the Toned Look you Want miniflex Jul 12, 2022

When I was growing up, I played basketball and softball. Those are my two main sports. I actually thought that I was gonna go on and play basketball in college like not Do you want anything but probably like d3. That's really what I wanted to do. I actually ended up getting injured my junior ye...

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How I ended up in the Fitness and Nutrition Space miniflex Jul 11, 2022

I grew up in Manhattan, New York. I grew up in a very kind of sports dominant household. I played sports my whole life. My dad played football in college and he had two daughters. So I was the daughter who was kind of like the Son as well in terms of like the sports side of things. And I went o...

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How I Structure my Diet miniflex Jul 08, 2022

My like pre workout, I would say pre workout breakfast, I like to call it. So I am a huge fan of squash I really love like all winter squash. So I'll have some kabocha squash with a mixture of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, which also might sound a little bit weird, but it's really good.


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How I Grocery Shop and Meal Plan miniflex Jul 06, 2022

So typically I will take like a big roast like a shoulder like a beef shoulder, I get mine from Butcher box or locally here. And I'll put that in the slow cooker or the pressure cooker. And I will just add spices, just general spices, and then I'll use that throughout the week. Like I'll shred ...

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Meal Prep, Recipes, and Planning Ahead miniflex Jul 05, 2022

Uh, let me go back and say that recipes are not bad. Like, you have two cookbooks, I have a cookbook with over 100 recipes, like recipes are great to give you ideas and, and to help you find you know, some new things, especially if you're getting, you know, bored of whatever you're doing. I was...

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How to use Keto to achieve Metabolic Flexibility miniflex Jul 04, 2022

In undergrad, I actually didn't really explore the ketogenic diet at all. I took a few nutrition classes, like I said, I went to undergrad for athletic training, I actually thought that that's what I wanted to do for the rest of my life was be an athletic trainer. That's actually why like, I we...

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Strategies to Become More Metabolically Flexible miniflex Jul 01, 2022

This really just depends on you know, the individual and where they're coming from. So, you know, depends on like, I like to what side of the spectrum they're on, and like how they're kind of like which one they're closer to. So if they, if I have a client who is coming, you know, from just con...

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Episode 168: An Unconventional Approach to Diet for Long-Distance Running with Zach Bitter podcast Jul 01, 2022

In today’s episode, we’re chatting all about Zach’s unique approach to training and nutrition that separates him from most as he runs on a low-carb, ketogenic diet.

Zach is a world-record-holding ultramarathoner and three-time National Champion ultra-marathon runner as well as a coach, and hos...

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