Glute Step-Ups: Form, Tips, & Classic Mistakes
Step-ups are an excellent exercise for targeting your glutes and building strength in your lower body. However, to get the most out of this movement and achieve a glute bias, there are some key points to keep in mind. In this blog post, we'll expl...
How to Build Side Glutes
Are Side Glutes Real?
Technically, we don't have side glutes, but what people are referring to when they ask that question is more about how to build the glute medius and glute minimus. The glute medius is located more on the side of your butt, the glute minimus lies...
Should you Activate your Glutes?
When it comes to activating your glutes before a workout, there are different perspectives on its effectiveness. Let's dive into the topic and explore how to achieve optimal muscle growth in your glutes without overdoing the glute activation exercises.
The Rol...
Front or Back Squat? Which is Better?
When it comes to squats, the eternal debate between front squats and back squats has left many fitness enthusiasts wondering which one is truly superior. The answer isn't as straightforward as you might expect. Let's delve into the nuances of both types of...
Slow Reps vs. Fast Reps: Unraveling the Mystery
When it comes to weightlifting, the speed at which you perform your reps can make a significant difference in your muscle-building journey. Slow and fast reps both have their merits, but it's essential to understand when and how to use each appro...
Why are your Shoulders not Growing?
Introduction: Unveiling the Delts
When it comes to achieving well-defined and impressive shoulders, understanding the intricate anatomy of deltoids is a crucial first step. Comprising three primary segments—the anterior (front), lateral (side), and posteri...
Common Mistakes when Building Glutes
#1: Too Wide of a Stance
One of the common mistakes that I see when training glutes is adopting too wide of a stance for squats and deadlifts.
- Finding the Optimal Stance
Traditionally, people believe that a wider stance is better for targeting glute...
Should you Track Food Raw or Cooked?
The Great Debate: Tracking Raw vs. Cooked Food
When it comes to tracking your food intake, there's often a debate about whether it's better to measure and log your food in its raw state or after it's been cooked. Both methods have their merits, and in t...
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