How Do You Know if You're Metabolically Flexible? miniflex Jun 06, 2022

How do you know if you're metabolically flexible? So there's not one way that you know, if you're metabolically flexible, it's sort of a combination of different things. So let's chat about what those are.

So the first way to tell if you're metabolically flexible is your ease of fasting. So wh...

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Is Keto Dangerous? miniflex Jun 03, 2022

Is keto dangerous? So there's a lot of misinformation out there about this so I'm going to kind of debunk it for you in this video so keto is not dangerous.

There's a lot of confusion when it comes to ketosis and people confusing it with keto acidosis. So these are two completely different thi...

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Episode 166: How to Improve your Gut Health and Reduce Bloating with Alison Marras podcast Jun 03, 2022

In today’s episode, Rachel and Alison discuss why gut health is important, what to consider when it comes to food sensitivities & intolerances, common causes of bloating, how to optimize digestion, and more. 

Alison is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, author of The Paleo Gut Healing Cookbo...

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Psychological Benefits you Experience from Fitness Training? miniflex Jun 01, 2022

Yeah, so this is something I talk about a lot, just like, when you are, you know, doing hardship, that makes you feel good, it makes you feel empowered and confident what you're doing. And lifting weights is is hard, right? That's, that's something that you know, you can't really get from anyth...

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What Motivates Rachel in her Work? miniflex May 31, 2022

I'm just really, really interested in all things, nutrition, and training.

I just love to nerd out on it, I think it's because it's like, it's like, unending, like, there's no end to how much you can learn when it comes to nutrition, there's no end specially with training to how much you can l...

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What are the Top 5 Exercises for Men to Attract Women? miniflex May 30, 2022

Top Five exercises to attract women. Okay, the first one is don't skip leg day. So aka do like exercises.

so, for your quads, your butt, don't be afraid to do some hip thrusts in the gym. A lot of guys think that that's weird, but you're actually going to be grow hip thrusts are not just for y...

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What's Better for Muscle Growth? High Weights, Low Reps, or Low Weights, High Reps? miniflex May 27, 2022

What's better for muscle growth, low weight, high rep, or high weight, low rep, let's talk about it.

We know that you can build muscle with both light and heavy weights. But if you're looking to optimize your muscle growth and kind of get the best bang for your buck, it probably makes sense to...

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Episode 165: How To Meal Prep For Your Whole Family with Ashleigh VanHouten podcast May 27, 2022

To join Rachel’s online group coaching membership, The Flex Fam, visit:

Join Rachel Gregory as she guides you through your health and fitness journey, discussing practical tips about #nutrition, #mealplanning for the family, and sustainable tips to help you reach your #fitn...

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