What Women Get Wrong About “Getting Toned” blog muscle science for women Apr 09, 2021

“I don’t want to be muscular, I just want to get toned.”

We hear this in our nightmares, both waking and sleeping. Seriously, if we had a dollar for every time a woman said this to us, we could retire to a beach somewhere.

Toned women (or would-be toned women), this post is for you.

This is our u...

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Episode 107: Fasting & Muscle Preservation, Early Morning Training, How To Build Your Pre & Post-Workout Meals podcast Apr 02, 2021

In this episode, Rachel gives tips on how to get the most out of pre and post workout meals, training in a fed or fasted state and why there may be benefits to both depending on your primary goal, determining how often to fast in a fat loss phase, and more!

To learn more and apply to work one-on-on...

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Debunking Gender Myths #2: Men’s Muscles Respond Quicker To Training Than Women’s blog muscle science for women Apr 02, 2021

In the previous post, we debunked one of the most common myths about women and building muscle. 

If you missed it, check out: Myth #1: If women lift heavy weights, they’ll become bulky

Let's chat about another very common misunderstanding when it comes to training differences between men and women...

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Debunking Gender Myths #1: If Women Lift Heavy Weights, They’ll Get Bulky blog muscle science for women Mar 31, 2021

Let's debunk some gender myths, shall we?

In this 4-part series, we're going to debunk some of the common myths associated with training differences between men and women.

Myth #1: If women lift heavy weights, they’ll become bulky

Ask anyone who's been lifting weights for a while – no woman has e...

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Why Women Benefit From Weightlifting (Some Of The Reasons May Surprise You!) blog muscle science for women Mar 29, 2021

Lifting weights and building muscle is great for aesthetics and changing your physique, but it's SO much more than that!

Here are a few reasons that may surprise you...

#1 It Helps Balance Your Hormones

Hormonal health is complex, but evidence shows that intelligent training has a significant and...

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Episode 106: Metabolic Rehabilitation, Busting Fat Loss Plateaus, Nutritional Periodization, and More! podcast Mar 26, 2021

In this episode, Rachel is a guest on The Low Carb Hustle Podcast where she breaks down why metabolic flexibility should be the ultimate goal, benefits to bumping up calories to bust through a plateau, how to make meal prep a habit, periodizing your year, and more!

To learn more and apply to work o...

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