As a Woman, can you Increase Sex Drive through Diet and Exercise? miniflex May 25, 2022

As a woman, can you increase sex drive through diet and exercise? The answer is yes, let's talk about it.

nutrition and exercise are absolutely going to have an effect on our sex drive. And the reason for this is because we know when we have our nutrition in check, we have our exercise in chec...

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Is It Normal for Your Weight to Change Daily? miniflex May 23, 2022

Is it normal for your weight to fluctuate day to day? The answer is yes, absolutely. Let's talk about why.

Why Your Weight Can Change Daily

There are a lot of reasons why your weight can fluctuate day to day. You don't want to get flustered when you see the scale go up one day and down there ...

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What are the Benefits of Metflex? miniflex May 20, 2022

What are the benefits of metabolic flexibility so there are several short term and long term benefits of metabolic flexibility. So let's chat about a few of them.

Okay, so the first benefit of metabolic flexibility is in the name more flexibility. So especially if you're coming from, you know,...

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How Long Does It Take to Get Into Shape and Out of Shape? miniflex May 18, 2022

How long does it take to get in shape? That's going to be determined by where you're coming from. Let's break it down?

How Long Does It Take to Get Into Shape?

There's not any exact amount of time that I can say—we can make calculations, but really, it just comes down to where you're starting...

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How to Gain Muscle Without Losing Your Female Figure miniflex May 17, 2022

How do you gain muscle without losing your female figure? Let's talk about it. 

How to Gain Muscle Without Losing Your Female Figure

Muscle is what creates the female figure. To have a nice booty or smaller waist, belly muscle is going to lead to that. Females are nervous to focus on building...

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What Is the Keto Flu? (And How to Avoid It) miniflex May 16, 2022

What is keto flu? Let's talk about this common issue that happens to some people when they're first starting a ketogenic diet. 

What Is the Keto Flu?

The Keto Flu is a host of symptoms that occurs for some people when they first start a low carb or ketogenic diet. And it's just what it sounds...

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How do you Build Muscle and Lose Weight at the Same Time? miniflex May 13, 2022

How do you build muscle and lose body fat at the same time, there's a few main things that you want to make sure that you're focusing on.

So let's go over those the first thing that you want to focus on is making sure that you're actually lifting weights. So in order to build muscle and lose b...

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