Listeners can find Shawn Wells at, and on Instagram @ingredientologist
Shawn Wells MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN is the world’s leading nutritional biochemist and expert on Health Optimization. He has formulated over 500 supplements and patented 10 novel ingredients. Formerly ...
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In this episode, Rachel talks about how to build a strong AND sexy core, effective anti-movement training and the importance of breathing and bracing.
Top Takeaways:
- A deep dive into ALL things core and ab training ...
Listeners can find Matt and Megha at, on Instagram @ketoconnect.
KetoConnect provides a global hub for people looking to transform their lives using the ketogenic lifestyle. Matt and Megha are committed to publishing helpful resources, developing delicious recipes, and offerin...
Today’s episode is a little different than normal Friday solo episodes. I’m going to share the podcast I did with Genova Diagnostics on their show called The Lab Report
Description from The Lab Report Podcast Website:
Rachel Gregory is a Board Certified Nutritionist, a health and wellness sp...
Listeners can find Aaron Straker at, and on Instagram @aaron_straker
Aaron Straker is a N.A.S.N. Licensed Primary Sports Nutritionist and a self-described “general iron sports enthusiast.”
He prefers a pragmatic approach to nutrition that focuses on simple food se...
In this episode, Rachel talks about her opinion on non-caloric sweeteners, why getting super lean requires major sacrifice, the role stress plays in getting lean, and if spot reducing body fat is a thing.
To learn more and apply to work one-on-one with Rachel, visit her website: https://www.metf...
Listeners can find Logan Delgado on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and his website under his most commonly used name Goody Beats
Brief intro by Logan:
“My name is Logan Delgado, I’m a proud husband and father of two beautiful girls. I lost a total of 70 pounds with the help of the ke...
I'm still on a casserole kick for my weekly lunch prep and this Zucchini Eggplant Succotash Casserole (what does succotash even mean? lol) did not disappoint!
Just like the Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti Squash Casserole I posted a few weeks back, the portions are HUGE and super satisfying even with cal...
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