Do you track your daily food intake? miniflex Aug 23, 2022

just kind of think about it like training, like when you go train, when you go squat for the first time, you're probably wobbling all over the place like, feeling really awkward, like really unstable. Because if you put a barbell on your back or whatever, and you like you've never squatted befo...

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How I've used Carbs Strategically to Achieve Metabolic Flexibility miniflex Aug 22, 2022

My name is Rachel Gregory. I'm a board certified nutritionist. And I work mostly with women, I coach, a lot of women, I have group coaching and individual coaching. And a lot of my kind of wheelhouse is around women who have experimented and gone into the Keto, low carb space have gone through ...

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Are you Metabolically Flexible? miniflex Aug 19, 2022

And that's really why like I'm so passionate about, you know, this topic of metabolic flexibility is because it is really finding that balance. And also, you know, realizing that there might be some times where you do have to use a stricter approach as a tool. But it's not that you have to stay...

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Why Keto didn't work for me Long-term miniflex Aug 17, 2022

Got into grad school, I needed something that was just like a quick workout, something that was fun, competitive. I knew I didn't have time to do triathlons anymore. I wanted to try something else out. So I got into CrossFit training. And that is also when I kind of came across the ketogenic di...

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Intuitive Eating versus Tracking Food miniflex Aug 16, 2022

I think that if you are choosing whole foods, how to face at some point, grown from here at some point, those are two categories, right? Just think about all the foods you're eating whatever face at some point, what grew from the Earth at some point, right? If those are the majority of your foo...

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Practical Meal Planning for Success miniflex Aug 15, 2022

Yeah, I mean, just kind of getting back to we can just kind of chat through some tips and tricks and things that we may be implemented ourselves. And then just, you know, working with, like I said, we've worked with lots of clients, especially, we work with a lot of women. So a lot of moms who ...

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Finding Balance in your Diet miniflex Aug 12, 2022

So just to give you a little bit of a background in terms of where I'm coming from, so I, I did the first study looking at the ketogenic diet, and Natalie crossed with fifth CrossFit athletes back in 2016. And that's when keto actually started to get really popular. And that's what actually bro...

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Achieving that "toned" look through Building Muscle miniflex Aug 10, 2022

Because I work with a lot of clients one on one, and take a very practical approach to kind of like everything. So like, just looking at overall lifestyle that so the periodization part of it is really just like, Okay, if someone comes to me and they're like, I want to lose weight, it's like, A...

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